• Discord Server!

    If you’d like to follow the development progress and join the eventual playtesting or just chit-chat about everything and nothing at all, you can now join my Discord server using this link!

  • Post Ludum Dare 55

    Comparison shot of the first and the last screenshot of the jam game during the development

    So! Ludum Dare 55 is almost over meaning that it’s time for me to wrap it all up in a text form and tell you my experiences with both event and my game, theGRIMOIRE_, also paving a path into its future at the end of the article.

    Read on →

  • Welcome

    This will probably be the shortest post in here, but let me welcome you to my small humble blog, where I’ll be writing longer posts about game development, my thoughts, my devlogs and other stuff, useful and not.

    For those who don’t know me, my name’s 0x0961h (as for how to pronounce that – I’m leaving that to your imagination, but Zero is fine). I was making small jam games back in 2013-2016, but then got seriously burned out and stopped really making anything after that.

    However, I made sort of come back in 2024 during Ludum Dare 55, but we’ll see how it’ll go. Hopefully, you’ll get to witness something fun and not another “Why I quit gamedev” kind of YouTube videos people are producing en masse these days. 😅